Spiritual Authority Church Clergy Mentoring Holy Spirit Prayer

Manifestation Of What God Shows

God communicated today like God communicated in the times recorded in the bible. Those forms of communication that we read in the bible did not cease after the death of the New Testament Apostles, no more than the forms ceased after the death of the Old Testament Prophets. Some of the communication forms God has used includes symbolic images, dreams, visions, trance, written words and the voice of the Holy Spirit. 

One form of communication used by God is not “more valid” than another. One form is not more “meaningful” than another. When God chooses to communicate a message, its the content that is valid. It’s the content that we base our faith on. We believe and we receive God’s messages as they are shown and delivered to us. 

When God communicates His direction, wisdom and activity in what we call “the future”, what we discover is that we often receive the message but we don’t know when it shall manifest or come to pass. 

The life of Joseph is where God has been tutoring me in this subject of “It came to pass”. We first meet Joseph on the day of his birth – Genesis 30:22 where the Bible says “God renewed Rachel, hearkened to her and opened her womb”. When Joseph was born, his mother declared truth and said, “God has taken away my reproach”. 

Once Joseph is born, his father Jacob expresses his desire to take his family and to leave his Uncle Leban and to go back home. Years later, we meet Joseph again when he is a young man. His mother, Rachel has died while giving birth to his brother, Benjamin. He is living with his father and all of the siblings when God begins to communicate with him about circumstances that will take place in the decades to come. Genesis 37:5 is Joseph’s 1st communication with God in a dream. 

You may be familiar with this passage. Joseph was hated by his brothers. Jealousy for their father’s love twisted into hate for Joseph. The Bible says they couldn’t speak peaceably to Joseph because of their hatred for him. Friends, no one wants to believe their relatives could hate them but it can happen. When God communicates with Joseph, He is aware of the brother’s hatred. 

In Genesis 37, we meet Joseph as he has received two messages from God in the form of dreams. In the first dream, Joseph sees that God is going to elevate him and that his brothers would have to recognize the elevation and humble themselves accordingly. In Joseph’s second message from God, he and has family learned that not only will the brothers humble themselves to Joseph but also his father. His father rebuked him for the message, but the Bible says he continued to watch for what had be said. 

These dreams were God communicating to Joseph, Jacob and the entire family. These dreams were rebuked and rejected by everyone concerned, except Joseph. God gave no dates, no deadlines. This message was the announcement of something fixed firmly by God, yet the family rebuked and rejected what God had announced. 

This could cause us to pause and examine how we have received messages from God. Do you have any idea how many messages from God that you have rebuked? Joseph’s experience dispels the myth that everyone must be in agreement for God’s message to “come to pass”. Joseph’s experience proves by example how jealousy and hatred colluded to stop what God had prophesied in the dream. That’s what moved them to consider killing Joseph, but ended up throwing him into a pit and selling him into slavery. Isn’t it amazing, the length evil will go just to stop God’s prophecy from coming to pass in your life! 

Joseph was sold into slavery but God never left Joseph. Between the nights that God showed Joseph his future and before it came to pass, “manifested”, he went through hardships, betrayal and disappointment but God never left Joseph. God couldn’t leave Joseph because Joseph’s future couldn’t only come to pass with God. 

In Genesis 42:9, Joseph remembered the dreams. Who could blame Joseph for not thinking about the dreams up to this point? So much had happened to him. He wasn’t even living with his family anymore. 

Are you like Joseph? Have you stopped thinking about what God showed you, what God once communicated to you because of everything that has happened since then? 

Joseph remembered the dreams. And it came to pass, it manifested. What God had communicated decades prior was manifested. Joseph makes it clear to his brothers that his position in Egypt is that of father to Pharaoh, lord of Pharaoh’s house and ruler throughout all the land of Egypt. Joseph had been elevated above his entire family just as God had prophesized or shown in his dreams. What God had shown was now their reality. 

God’s prophecy to me is going to be somebody’s reality. 

Here we are many centuries after Joseph’s experience and God is still communicating, and we are still subject to the enemies’ activities against God’s messages. 

1. The rejection of God’s prophecy for your life by others will not change God’s heart towards you.

2. All activities conspired to make God’s prophesy look like a lie are not able to stop God’s word.

3. You may forget the prophecy but God hasn’t forgotten His word nor has God left you, abandoned you.

4. The prophecies spoken by God shall come to pass, they shall fully be seen. In fact, they are moving to full disclosure today. 

Ps. 118:24 is where you should gain motivation to rise and go forth into each day. “This is the day the Lord has made, I shall rejoice and be glad in it”. 

This is the day that prophesy from God is moving to the place of full disclosure. This is the day that God’s prophesy is moving. This is also the day you are seeing the results of what it means for God to be with you being more than the world against you. This is also the day you are being protected by God. This is also the day you are being elevated by God. 

I close this admonishment – Remember the dream! Rise each day with a solid declaration that God’s prophesy is moving today, it’s manifesting today. 

Don’t allow yourself to throw away your faith just because the prophecy is 10% opacity. Remember, its 100% reality. 

God’s prophecy is moving towards 100% opacity to match His 100% reality. That’s what I call Keeping it 100! 

Photo by Luis Quintero from Pexels 

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