Holy Spirit Prayer

Protection From People Who Want To Harm You

Happy Thanksgiving! "We have so much to thank God for... so many wonderful blessings, and so many open doors". I've been singing that song all day today. Yes, I've been reflecting on the blessings God has brought into my life this entire year due to relocating back home. So on this Thanksgiving Day, here are a couple of prophetic insights and undertakings for yourself and your family.

Prompted by two things; a post I saw and the Word of the Lord (2 Cor. 5:16). So let's start with the Word of the Lord. Scripture tells us that we are to know no one after the flesh, but we must know everyone by the Spirit. This instruction is because the flesh, the outside humanistic nature, can be deceptive. The humanistic nature, the flesh, is where hidden hate can be camouflaged. Despite this unseen danger, the Spirit of the Lord can let you know what's in someone's heart, even "hidden hate". 

Why is this topic relevant today? It's relevant in terms of having supernatural security and protection. Last week I read about the international incident that happened to the young lady who traveled out of the country with a group of people with whom she was associated.

I saw where her associates attacked her while others watched as though the assault was a game in an ancient Roman coliseum. She died from the injuries! Now her family, friends, and civilized people everywhere are completely appalled at what happened to her. 

But when you look at what happened to her, I want you to think honestly about how many times God made a way of escape for you. You could have been in situations just like that because people had hidden hate towards you. No, maybe they didn't jump on you, but what was in their heart was brewing.

This is so serious because we're living in a time when people are hate mongers. People are offended by everything. Hate is being ramped up almost everywhere. I remember 2-3 decades ago, where you would have brushed slights aside, but today people are stoked to be angry, envious, and hateful. People can't talk things out; instead, they lash out and hold hate in their hearts against you. 

Today is the opportunity to take proactive actions starting with offering thanksgiving to God specifically for His protection from those who had hidden hate and envy against you. It's sad to realize that your associates, friends and/or family have killed you a thousand times in their hearts. But God wouldn't allow them to do what was living in their soul. They murdered your reputation as often as possible, but God wouldn't let them get their hands on you. Perhaps they spread their evil words against you to cancel you, but God wouldn't allow their destruction to take root. You should thank God for that His protection and that you listened to His preemptive warnings. I know I do! 

Listen, I know it may have been emotionally complicated when God severed those interactions, but your life and future peace were at stake.

Like that, you're sitting around wondering to yourself, what happened? What happened was God's protection! So therefore, not only do we thank God for what He has given to us, but also for His protection. I've been looking back over my life's journey, and I promise you I have seen the hand of the Lord protect me from "hidden hate". It doesn't matter who has it. They can be the closest trusted person in your life or on the periphery of your life.

The second undertaking I'm advising is in the area of being discerning but not just for yourself. You've got to teach the children in your life how to be discerning so they can also be sensitive to the Holy Spirit when He issues warnings. Young disciples of Jesus must be instructed how to respond when Holy Spirit issues warnings like, "This situation is not meant for your good." Another common warning from Holy Spirit is a firm disclosure, "It's a trap, don't take the bait".  

The prophetic insight and undertakings I've shared with you today will save your life, peace, and reputation. First, remember to thank God for His protection. Second, please take a look at the warnings given by Holy Spirit, even when the signs don't make sense to you.

Pray with me...

Father, protect me from the hidden hate of those in my circle, as well as other characters along the periphery of my life. I receive from you the entrance of those who will love and elevate. I also pray for an increase in my ability to be genuine with others to add to their lives. I present my prayer in the name of Jesus. 

All right, I love you with the love of the Lord. 

Here are resources to assist in the development of your prayer life:

  1. Course on prayer
  2. Book on prayer