Spiritual Authority Church Clergy Mentoring Holy Spirit Prayer

Standing In The Place Of My Father

Do you know what promises God has made with your father?. Anyone who understands the significance of standing in the place of their father must first know where their father is standing. Fathers hold the promises of God deep within their hearts, but they must be drawn out and shared. Solomon knew about the conversations between God and David. 1 Kings 8:18 says, “But the Lord said to my father, David....”. 

Do you know what God has been saying to your father? 

Discover a fresh understanding, a fresh revelation of what God has promised to the father in your life. Get to know what God has said to your father. Seek God together in agreement with your father for the promise to manifest. Lastly, pray with your father for you to be able to stand in his place when the time comes for you to continue the legacy. 

Sometimes God speaks to us about a future so far away and yet it’s going come through our lineage and we have to hold on to it and stand in it. But if it’s gonna really come through our lineage, we’ve got to be able to pour that out unto the generations coming behind us so that they will have a compass by which to live their lives. 

There was a moment when God had spoken to Abraham. He made a promise to Abraham that seemed absolutely ridiculous. They didn’t have any children and God started talking to them about having children. You need to know that God was talking to him about a future that he would never see fully manifested. We’re no different, God said some things to us that we will not see fully manifested but that’s okay as long as you tell the story, as long as you release it to your family because there’s a Solomon in you that has to live out what God has been speaking. 

Solomon had to know that we can’t take even the visions to our graves. We have to be able to tell the story. We have to be able to trace God in our life so that our children won’t find it so difficult to hear the voice of God because they will at least be able to say “I remember when my father shared with me that this is how my daddy heard God”. 

Sometimes you are standing in your today where the promises were actually made to your fathers. 

Your today is a manifestation perhaps of a promise that was made to your fathers. 

Some of us even today are standing in our today based on promises that God made to our fathers. Promises from God actually can pass from fathers to sons and daughters. I want you to know that the promises of God can pass to sons and daughters. Every child needs to know what God has promised to the father. 

A word of knowledge is not just for right now, God will tell you about conversations that took place before you were even born because he was there. God is everywhere all at the same time. 

Seek God together, beloved. Spend your Father’s day seeking God together. Purpose it in your heart to come together in agreement with your father for the promise to manifest. Why? because the bible says that when we come together in agreement, where two or three are together and we come into agreement with each other, we’re coming into agreement with God. 

You got to come to find out what God said to your dad then you got to get a new revelation and understand it and you got to pray and get into agreement with your father and then lastly pray with your father for you to be able to stand in his place when the time comes for you to continue the legacy. We cannot assume that because God said it, it’s going to automatically come to pass. God can make a promise but we have responsibility in it. 

When you spend your time with dad today. don’t leave that day, don’t let the sun go down without you getting the Father’s blessing. I know society is trying to make us think that these things are not important but it’s a lie, you were not randomly chosen. You were chosen by God and God has set up a structure. I know that society is trying to be all godless but God is still God, no matter what society is trying to do and when God looked at Adam and Eve, he said “You all multiplied, be fruitful and multiply”. He meant for the family to be blessed. 

Don’t ever think that the unit of family that God created is not necessary. All this other stuff is lies and deception. Keep your family strong and keep your family in the will of God. Don’t let the enemy destroy your family. Fight for it parents. Watch over your children. don’t let the enemy come and sift them. There is destiny on your family. 

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Photo by Juan Pablo Serrano Arenas from Pexels