War College: Witch Encounters

Consider this a verbatim of my second witch encounter.


I've completed another campaign trip here at the New York Annual Conference and it is time to go to the next stop. I rise early to say farewell to my cousin who traveled with me to New York, and as far as I could see this was going to be an ordinary, quiet morning of travel. Checking out of the hotel I feel the desire for warmth, but not certain if getting a cup of coffee would cause me to miss the shuttle, I asked the attendant for his input. He insists on walking me to the restaurant for my small cup of joe.


It's an ordinary moment when a lady walks up to also get her coffee. She looks at me and smiles. There was nothing to it... no bells and whistles going off in my spirit, just another person being pleasant and getting coffee. She starts benign conversation about getting a slow start to the day and still a little sleepy. Seriously benign conversation, the kind that any of us would have with a complete stranger. 

She asked me; "Where is home for you?" I respond; "I live in Michigan." As she follows up by telling me she is from Canada, the Holy Spirit says to me, "She is a witch". Now this witch didn't look like the one that sat beside me on the plane a couple weeks ago. Not that outside looks are an indication of everything in a person's heart, mind and soul (2Corinthians 5:16), but unless the Holy Spirit had informed me I would not have known. I didn't get an inner leading from the Holy Spirit as to what I should do this information, so I continued prepping my coffee and engaging the lady as she talked. I asked her why she was in New York, and with a smile and excitement she informed me that she was there attending a conference for tarot card readers, crystals and some term I was not familiar. I nodded my head as she talked and before I knew it I responded, "Okay, the Holy Spirit told me you were a witch". There was no hostility, no clashing of swords nor spiritual battle lines drawn. The temperature of the conversation was no different than saying, "I could tell from your accent that you are from the south" or something along those lines.


This lady's smile remained pleasant but now her eyes revealed curiosity as she responded, "Yes, but I'm a good witch". I raised my eyebrows and knew that my day had clearly departed from the "normal ordinary, uneventful day that it had been at the stroke of 6AM when my eyes opened. I was in full rank mode and ready to do the work as God's Ambassador, while also completely confident that I would not miss the shuttle nor my plane. I had no response for this "good witch", just a smile and a raised eye brow. The "good witch" asked me "What do you do?" That was probably the only way she knew how to phrase a question that could possibly explain how in the world I knew, that she was a witch. The enemy works best when covered in darkness, so exposure is a threat to principalities, powers and spiritual wickedness.


I answered, "I'm a minister of the gospel, filled with the Holy Spirit and I get people delivered and set free from deception and spiritual bondage. Would you like me to pray for you?" Lord Jesus was it quiet! There were also no other people walking up to this coffee station the entire time. I knew this was a divine appointment for the work of the Lord. 

The "good witch" was speechless yet maintaining her demeanor and smile. She said not a word. When I worked for John Hancock Mutual Insurance Company, they trained me how to close the deal with a big ask. This was a deal I was closing with the big ask, therefore I utilized all of my professional and spiritual skills, "Do you want me to pray for you?" was the ask.


The "good witch" looked down as if she were looking into her own soul. The smile was still there but it became a nervous grin. She couldn't talk. Finally, she looked up again into my eyes but still no words. This was no text book encounter, this was compassion and prophetic anointing ready to war for the releasing of her soul, and the sword God gave me was a gentle smile. Even now as I write this verbatim I laugh because just yesterday I experienced a passive-aggressive criticism over the fact that I'm always smiling. After standing there in silence the Holy Spirit told me that she would not allow me to pray for her. She opened her mouth to say no, and before she could I said; "Will that be a no?"


For the second time she was unprepared for the level of revelation that I was speaking. "No, I'm okay" as she looked down and stirred her coffee and sugar. "Are you sure, because I can do it right here, right now". "No, I'm okay, I'm alright". I raised my eyebrows again and said "Okay, well may the Lord bless you". I walked away towards the lobby and sat down to wait for my bus. Then it caught my attention that the conference room across from the lobby was the location of their meeting. The doors were open, and they were gathering for the opening session. Then I heard some type of chant or cry from the group spilling out into the lobby air.


The spiritual battle between the Kingdom of our Lord and the kingdom of this world is real. I was not identified by my campaign pin (GreeneBarr for Bishop), WWJD rubber bracelet nor anything outward that communicated my life as a Christian. The anointing of God draws and speaks to the heart of people. I believe this "good witch" must have someone praying for her deliverance because the way she was drawn to me was intentional, and I believe she was drawn by the Spirit of God. Love does cover a multitude of sins, even the sin of spiritual bondage. The love of God was bursting through my smile and it allowed her to encounter the possibility of her immediate deliverance. No, she didn't take it then, but the light of Christ touched her today and according to the Word it will not return void. I didn't ask her name and neither did she ask mine. Names were not important, only anointing.


"And for this reason, the Son of God was made manifest to destroy the works of the devil".