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Will God Help Me If I Ask Him?

I want to bring you alongside this whole topic of God and Help. Let me take you through the Word and give you some foundational scripture as I deal with the question, “Will God help if I ask?”. 

Let’s start with Psalm 60. “O grant us help against the foe for human help is worthless”. Many of us understand help to be connected to trouble. Even if we don’t ask God for help, trouble automatically goes to help. 

How many people have been in trouble but would not even bother to ask God for help? They just try to figure out how to deal with their trouble all by themselves. You may not think its a big deal but God is not going to jump in to help when you don’t ask for help no matter how bad your trouble. 

God wants us to ask him, even as the psalmist wrote. It says here human help is worthless, he was trying to get the point across that as he is looking around his 

situation, he could ask his friends but the help that his friends could provide is worthless considering the trouble he is in. 

We know that everything starts at the realm of the spirit, your troubles started in the realm of the spirit and it is going to take spiritual insight to get you out of your trouble. Human insight will always fall short to divine revelation. 

Let's go to another passage, Psalm 108:12. “O grant us help against the foe for human help is worthless”. The psalmist is trying to reiterate the point that we experience foes in life and there are some instances where humans can’t help us. You could be going down a path where you need some help and the only help that is going to get you out of that circumstance is God’s help. 

Let’s go to Hebrews 4:16. “Let us therefore approach the throne of grace with bonus so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need”. There is going to always be a time of need for everybody. It might not show up at the same time. It comes around us sometimes and so when these things happen, we realize we are in a time of need. 

What the scripture is telling us is we need to come boldly before the throne of God that we can have grace to find help in our time of trouble. We can get the help that we need in the time that we needed. 

Let’s go to Psalm 38:22. “Make haste to help me, O Lord my salvation”. That word, haste, is communicating this sense of urgency that the psalmist is saying “come quick”. This is not trying to say that God doesn’t know the sense of urgency. Why would he need the Lord to make haste? Because the psalmist was feeling like the problem was severe. 

That “hurry up and help” has nothing to do with the timing of God. It has everything to do with the condition or the desperation of our own souls. All of us has been there, where our souls have felt so desperate we prayed like we needed God to hurry up. If you didn’t get the resolve you were looking for, did you let go? No, you continued to hold on. You can hold on a lot longer than you think you can hold on. You have the strength to keep holding on, you have strength to keep moving forward because you have to be resilient and you have the ability to persevere. 

Don’t let your soul try to give God commands because no matter how much you yell at God, you can’t make him manifest any quicker than he plans on manifesting. 

Go with me to Matthew 15:25. “But she came and knelt before him saying, “Lord help me””. So the matriarchs and patriarchs in the biblical witness, it was a part of their spiritual DNA to go to God for help and when she knelt down and asked for help, that was really an act of worship. It was humility and it was worship. 

When we come to God asking for help, we have to be willing to humble ourselves and we have to be willing to worship the one in whom we are seeking the help. When you move into a place of worship, you begin to realize that instead of focusing on the areas for which you need help, you are focusing in on God and God is sending the help. 

Psalm 22:11. “Do not be far from me for trouble is near and there is no one to help.” You may not realize it but you have enemies. Maybe they have not shown their heads and you are going to need, not the help of people, you are going to need the help of the Lord to deal with the enemies that come after your destiny. 

Psalm 33:20. “Our soul waits for the Lord. He is our help and shield.” This psalm reminds us that we have to make sure that we don’t let our soul pull us in a place of unbelief. When your soul begins to rise up contrary to what God is trying to do, you are 3 steps away from unbelief. 

Let’s go over to Psalm 46:1. “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble”. God is my right now help. He is my present help. 

Lastly, I want you go over to Psalm 63:7. “For you have been my help and in the shadow of your wings, I sing for joy”. God just doesn’t help pastors and preachers. God doesn’t just help your parents and neighbors. He is your help too. That is how you can have joy in the midst of a tough situation. Because you know that God is your help. You have to have confidence that God is your help. 

We need to begin to change the way we are seeing things and the way we are thinking when trouble arises. Sometimes trouble is just uneasiness in our spirit. Sometimes trouble is uneasiness in our environment but we need to be able to say “My help is present. God is my help so I can still have my joy.” 

I gave you a bunch of scriptures to lay down the foundation about asking God for help. We have biblical witnesses demonstrating a consistent practice of God’s people asking God for help and God answering their prayer with the help they needed. 

I’m here to tell you that when people in a time of trouble, when they are in a time of need, the biblical witness says they asked God for help. They went to God because they knew that they were in the kind of situation that it is going to 

require a God-kind of help to get out. They asked God for help and God answered their prayer with the help they needed. 

Do we always know what kind of help we need? No, but God knows. So what do we do? We ask for help in the situation without telling God how to help. Ask God for help without trying to tell God what the help should look like. 

We go to God with our circumstances. We bring our souls, our emotions and whatever it is, we take it to God and say “I need help God. You are my help” but resist the temptation to tell God what that help should look like because we don’t know. 

What we should do after we go to God and tell him that we need help? You need to expect God to help. It sounds elementary but let me tell you, for an unbeliever, that is like crossing a great bridge. You need to expect God to do something about your situation. 

How do you expect God to help? You keep your eyes open for the help. When you have asked God for help, you have to keep your eyes open for the help. Sometimes it isn’t easy to identify help and that is why you have to look through the eyes of faith. 

There are many talking points that are coming from other deities today. The message that is coming to us is that God will not help you so you might as well stop expecting God to help you and we should move into a secular-humanistic society and for this strategy, it has caused many people, Christians to dilute their commitment to God. 

Asking God for help requires humility. Humility is something that humanism is completely against. When you ask God for help, you are humbling yourself before the Lord. That is why when we are asking God for help, we are actually doing spiritual warfare because the enemy does not want you to humble yourself to God. 

Help from God is not just for desperate times. Proverbs 3:5-6 says, “Trust in the Lord with all of your heart and do not rely on your own insight. In all your ways, acknowledge Him and He will make straight your path.” Our help is not just for desperate times but for all of our ways. Some of us, the biggest help we could get today is direction. 

Photo by lalesh aldarwish from Pexels 
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