Learning to know people & places

Returning to my hometown has been an eye-opening experience. So much has changed, but with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, I'm discovering a new understanding and appreciation for my community

Creating & Breaking Cycles

"This happens a lot" is our way of recognizing the cycle. We vow to do whatever we can never to experience that uncomfortable situation

How to be responsible with the authority given by God

Unlike the gifts that God gives to us, spiritual authority from God is revocable!

Press Into The Power Of God

Not all congregations are mature houses in which believers move past just being hearers of the Word into becoming doers of the Word.

Will God Help Me If I Ask Him?

Let me take you through the Word and give you some foundational scripture as I deal with the question, “Will God help if I ask?”.

Make The Switch To Faith

There is more than one way beloved to relate to God. There’s only one Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. There’s only one Alpha and Omega. There’s only one sovereign God.

How Does The Promise Of God Work?

Promises, those declarations that something will or will not be done are spoken with great care. Promises communicate assurances by which the receiver is able to base their expectations.

Mantled For This Era

2020 was entering and Holy Spirit told me that relationships were about to change from dull to dynamic. Holy Spirit also told me an adjustment was coming...

Taken You By The Hand

One of the joys of my motherhood was the moment the children started walking. Not because of the relief to my arms from carrying them everywhere, but because we had entered into the stage of me...

Permission Is The Poison That Kills

Motherhood is one of the jewels in my life crown. My children have been nurtured in the family lifestyle of permission. My husband and I never gave lectures on the place of permission...

Relationship With Accountability

The Parable of the Prodigal and His Brother. A father has two sons but one son, for whatever the reason, has decided he no longer wanted to be in fellowship with his family.

Protection For New & Weak Converts 2

When you become a citizen in the Kingdom of God, there’s a lot of things that you have to learn. Kingdom citizenship and church membership are not the same thing. You can join the church

Protection For New & Weak Converts 1

This lesson is directed towards those who have found themselves being tempted to sin by other believers. Feel inspired to share with a friend, new convert or anyone else under pressure to...

Attack Evangelism, Proceed With Caution

It’s Saturday morning and I’ve had a very fruitful campaign week but now I’m ready to return home. I stop at the breakfast bar for coffee after my morning workout...

Spiritual Gifts Strengthen

Weakness is all around us and is increasing in depth. Our nation has increasingly become morally and spiritually weak. The African American family structure has become dangerously weak

Pastor, Don't Wait Tables

I teach and preach often on the subject of accountable stewardship to the officers and members where I serve as Pastor...

A Dangerous Quality

Which quality does the spirit of darkness have that is most dangerous to church people? I will not make you guess. It is that of being active! Think about it for a moment...

The Memory of Shaking Hands

My family and I spent the day meeting new people, and boy did we meet some fantastic souls. With only the exception of a couple Muslim sisters, everyone else...

Spiritual Pregnancy

During my time of spiritual reading this morning I came across a line that made me pause in introspection. The line stated that Hannah was pregnant with a prophet and she had to first birth him in...

Two Souls For Jesus

Jesus told his disciples to follow him and he would make them fish for people.

Earning The Right To Be Heard

Recently I listened as Bishop TD Jakes made the statement that "You have to earn the right to be heard. Until you've suffered you've only earned the right to think".