Learning to know people & places

Returning to my hometown has been an eye-opening experience. So much has changed, but with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, I'm discovering a new understanding and appreciation for my community

Creating & Breaking Cycles

"This happens a lot" is our way of recognizing the cycle. We vow to do whatever we can never to experience that uncomfortable situation

How to be responsible with the authority given by God

Unlike the gifts that God gives to us, spiritual authority from God is revocable!

Protection From People Who Want To Harm You

The Spirit of the Lord can let you know what is in someone's heart against you, even "hidden hate".

Press Into The Power Of God

Not all congregations are mature houses in which believers move past just being hearers of the Word into becoming doers of the Word.

Will God Help Me If I Ask Him?

Let me take you through the Word and give you some foundational scripture as I deal with the question, “Will God help if I ask?”.

Make The Switch To Faith

There is more than one way beloved to relate to God. There’s only one Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. There’s only one Alpha and Omega. There’s only one sovereign God.

How Does The Promise Of God Work?

Promises, those declarations that something will or will not be done are spoken with great care. Promises communicate assurances by which the receiver is able to base their expectations.

Tested By God | Heart Edition

There are two environments in which I thoroughly enjoy because of the learning that takes place. Those environments are sports and schools.

When Gods Don't Answer

Most Christians are absolutely aware of the passage of scripture when Ahab came through a line that sat on the throne as king but he messed around and married the wrong woman.

Standing In The Place Of My Father

Do you know what promises God has made with your father?. Anyone who understands the significance of standing in the place of their father must first know where their father is standing.

God Stabilizes The Scattered Church

We know about the gathered church and have only read about the scattered church. Think about the adjective “scattered”. It is the distributed or widely spaced church. It is the dispersed church.

God Has Prepared A Table For You

This is a word for survivors. Let’s start off with this understanding, Mephibosheth was a young kid when Jonathan and his grandfather, Saul lost their lives.

How Do We Fix Our Thoughts?

The account of restoration recorded in Nehemiah is inspirational for Christians today. The people of God have been attacked on many fronts during the pandemic both corporately and personally.

God Is With You To Do The Work

I want you to understand that we are moving towards something to happen on Pentecost Sunday. This is the day, according to Acts 2 when the Holy Spirit came

Dedication Produces Favor After Famine

If you think about it in terms of stocks, you make the initial investment and you watch the rate of return. Returns go up and down, it’s all a part of the process.

The Gate Of Freedom and Deliverance

Prisoners of war have been captured while in territory which is not their home. They’ve been captured behind enemy lines. Prisoners of war have been treated brutally in various parts of the world.

Maintaining Integrity With God: A Biblical Worldview

Our passage is set in a teaching moment where Jesus is once again using parables to get profound principles into the heart of his followers.

Manifestation Of What God Shows

God communicated today like God communicated in the times recorded in the bible. Those forms of communication that we read in the bible did not cease after the death of the New Testament Apostles

Attending To The Vision

Recently I attended a training summit and was asked this question: How faithfully do I tend to the dreams/ideas that God put into your heart? It was an excellent question...

The Lord is About to Pass By

This phrase sounds odd considering that God is everywhere, all the time. Omnipresent is our God. Present everywhere at the same time is our God.

In Need of Rest and Restoration

This message is not just for the Energizer Bunnies among us, those of us who are mentally and physically engaged from sun up to sun down...

Movement Or Moment

Thanks to Disney Plus, I’ve now watched Hamilton many times. In fact, I’ve listened to the soundtrack enough to spontaneously have a private party based on the beat of the hip-hop rhythm....

God Doesn't Want Robots

The first experience I can recall where I thought about robots was at my very first full time job after college graduation...

Hearing Revelation From A Pen

It was early in the morning when I was outside having my morning meeting. I come to these meetings ready to hear, not just talk. This morning I decided to return to my favorite writing instrument.

How Your Peace Is Being Patrolled

Recently I was flying to attend a meeting in Birmingham, Alabama. I was sitting at the gate and talking on the phone when I saw something out of my peripheral vision.

Build Upon Breakthrough & Prophecy

God said, “Build Upon Breakthrough” During my morning walk, I noticed that one of my neighbors had this pile of materials in their driveway.

Being Oily In Presence And Power

It all began the first week of January 2019, God started sending me bottles of olive oil. In addition to receiving these bottles of oil, I would also receive messages from people...

The Language Of God During War

Every time I read my bible, God speaks to me. When I pray and make inquiry and supplications, God speaks to me. Whenever I intercede, wail and moan before the Lord, God speaks to me.

Permission Is The Poison That Kills

Motherhood is one of the jewels in my life crown. My children have been nurtured in the family lifestyle of permission. My husband and I never gave lectures on the place of permission...

Church Needs Spiritual Reformation

One of my relaxation enjoyments is watching rehab shows on television. Admittedly, I would not want to live in a house while it is being renovated. Just the thought of cooking in turmoil is not how...

Past Moves of God Are Gone

The other night after watching a tv show on a network I turned it off and retired for some well deserved rest. The next day when I turned the tv on to my bewilderment the channel was gone.

Innovation Is Not Just For Enterprise

One man’s innovation is another man’s history. Innovation drives the marketplace in sales, advertising and product research, but Industrialized nations and the businesses which spur growth...