Press Into The Power Of God

Not all congregations are mature houses in which believers move past just being hearers of the Word into becoming doers of the Word.

Will God Help Me If I Ask Him?

Let me take you through the Word and give you some foundational scripture as I deal with the question, “Will God help if I ask?”.

Make The Switch To Faith

There is more than one way beloved to relate to God. There’s only one Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. There’s only one Alpha and Omega. There’s only one sovereign God.

How Does The Promise Of God Work?

Promises, those declarations that something will or will not be done are spoken with great care. Promises communicate assurances by which the receiver is able to base their expectations.

When Gods Don't Answer

Most Christians are absolutely aware of the passage of scripture when Ahab came through a line that sat on the throne as king but he messed around and married the wrong woman.

Spiritual Pregnancy

During my time of spiritual reading this morning I came across a line that made me pause in introspection. The line stated that Hannah was pregnant with a prophet and she had to first birth him in...

Pulpit Plagiarism Or Borrowed Message

“I only read sermon books for inspiration,” is a statement that reminds me a lot of people who say, “I only buy those magazines for the articles”. I believe one about as much as I do the other.