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 Dr GreeneBarr Kingdom Consultant

Attention Christian Business Owners & Professionals, Pastors, Prophets, and Ministry Volunteers...

Reinvigorate Your Spiritual Gifts, Learn Skills, & Natural Talents for Kingdom Impact

Ministry Setting


You never dreamed that ministry burnout would describe you after a few years of serving God's people, but... The overall inability to bounce back from the injuries to your soul, political schemes, powerless traditions, & lack of support have accumulated stress. Let's talk!

Schedule a Consultation
resignation from marriage


Marriage is an institution God ordained, yet aggression against this area of your life can chip away at the loving foundation that brought your lives together. Has your marriage suffered due to imbalance & spiritual dryness. Are you already emotionally checked out? Restore the passion!

Schedule a Consultation

Are you prepared to expand your sphere of influence and contribute to the growth of God's Kingdom agenda?

Start your transformational journey today...

Discover Dr. GreeneBarr's Apostolic-Prophetic Consulting Services, focused on deliverance and impartation.

Let her guide you on the path to authentic spiritual authority and Kingdom impact.

Are You Seeking...



Salvation alone is not the totality of equipping provided by Holy Spirit. You will need supernatural intelligence, assistance, and grace. Unfortunately, some Christians haven't been trained to understand this measure of resources and are therefore unprepared.

Let's get you equipped!



Anointing, gifts, and graces are given in more than one way. Transmission may be through the laying on of hands, but this is not the only way. Yet, this Biblical process is still very active. Impartation has been known to catapult supernatural effectiveness.

Get ready to receive from

Holy Spirit!



Liberation is the best word to describes what happens through deliverance. Are you experiencing hindering cycles? Holy Spirit will make known which forces in the spiritual realm are working against you. Being bound in is not the will of God. Deliverance is the children's bread.  

Let's get you free!

    What I really love Dr. GreeneBarr...

    Is that she loves people! 

  • "I know that God has used her specifically for those who are having problems in their ministry; pastor or member and even those in the marketplace."

    Apostle Shane Wall

    Pastor, Feast of the Lord Church

    (video testimonial)

Rev. Dr. Cecelia GreeneBarr has been one of the most significant positive spiritual influences in my life and ministry. She has not only pushed and encouraged me to pray, fast, study God’s Word, and live out my calling, but she has created space for me to do all of those things as well. I have never felt closer to God than the times when we are in closest communion with one another.

She has a true prophetic gift that bears fruit and is a dynamite preacher on top of that! I know literally hundreds of ministers, preachers, evangelists, prophets, missionaries, theologians, and pastors, and Rev. Dr. GreeneBarr is easily in the top 5 most effective, genuine, gifted, spiritual, and grounded Christians and servants of God I’ve ever met.

I pray to continue to benefit from her Godly ministry and pray that many others are able to experience God work through her and to experience her wonderful personality and spirit the way that I have.

Rev. Dr. James A. Alexander, Jr., Esq.

James Alexander, Jr. Esq.

You're past motivational talks, and your soul knows there is a penetrating emptiness inside that's concealed by smoke and mirrors. You are screaming for the real answers that only revelation provides.

I'm Dr. Cecelia GreeneBarr,  a trusted ear and voice for this time in your life.

Schedule a Consultation
dr cecelia greenebarr


Get a free copy of Dr. GreeneBarr's ebook; Scriptural Summary

based on "Practical Suggestions for Successful Ministry" by Frederick K.C. Price

Scriptural Summary
Rev Lolita Turner

Praise the Lord for Dr. GreeneBarr!

A few years ago while attending the Washington Annual Conference. Dr. GreeneBarr told me to move forward in the Ministry and not to shrink back.

I knew God had spoken to her to tell me to allow Him to use me.

Rev. Lolita Turner

pastor paula barnes

I first met Dr. Cecelia GreeneBarr in 2009 when she was facilitating a Women's Conference for clergywomen titled, Assuming The Mantle. I've found her teachings to be very impactful and engaging. In addition, Dr. GreeneBarr is a visionary leader who readily imparts her wisdom to others. Her teaching prepares clergywomen for church leadership and has personally equipped me with many practical tools that I have been able to utilize in ministry over the last thirteen years.

Pastor Paula Barnes

What people have experienced...

Reverend Cecelia GreeneBarr is a childhood friend whom I have known for 40 years.

Her teaching and preaching have really helped me grow my faith. My spirit easily understood from the way she delivers her sermons, and she helps in any way she can to help others grow their faith. 

In addition, she's willing to give the advice to help others grow their ministries. She definitely has helped me grow my Ministry which is www.GmanTalking.com.

The Orange County area is very blessed to have her back here in our hometown area and her Ministry; what a blessing!

George Galbreath

George Galbreth

Who takes a chance on a person that they never knew existed? I needed a Field Mentor to complete my Masters of Divinity Degree, and I asked Reverend Dr. GreeneBarr If she would think about accepting the task. 

Not many would have said yes, but Reverend Dr. Cecelia GreeneBarr stepped up to the challenge and invested time and energy when she had many other obligations. She imparted her wisdom and knowledge into my life, making a global impact on my ministry. She is a strong voice in this season. 

Because of her influence in my life, I am on a few media platforms, and other doors opened. I now move in confidence because of her encouragement and firm support. I now feel that I am one of the voices helping to change the world globally.

Dr Arlynda Thompson

Dr. Arlynda


Amid the pandemic in 2021, Dr. GreeneBarr and I were supporting in service at a homegoing celebration. There was a light that radiated inward and outward from Dr. GreeneBarr, and the prayer of Jabez arose in my spirit! I knew at that moment, and I shared with her that I felt God was in the process of expanding her.

For over 2 decades that I've known her, she has poured into people at their lowest. When some people were in their valley moments and had plateaued in their careers, she was there for them. She’s positioned herself to be attentive to those in need and obedient to her calling.

Whatever the next is, I’m excited to participate in her celebration of elevation.

Forward Thinking! 

Rev. Portia Lockett

Dr. Portia Lockett

Educational & Developmental Resources

If you didn’t know better, you might conclude that God wants Believers groping in the darkness, trying to find the keyhole that opens the door for our escape, when that is not the case at all. God indeed wants us to seek Him, but it’s a false conclusion that God is deliberately taking evasive maneuvers to make it difficult to find Him or understand His messages.

Dr. GreeneBarr Contributing AuthorGreeneBarr Article Submission

    Dr. GreeneBarr has blessed our church for the past 18 years

  • "We've used your materials Streaming Prayers during our Lenten season, and because of the prayers you pray many people are using this tool to strengthen their prayer life."

    Rev. Dr. Steve Bland

    Pastor, Liberty Temple Baptist Church

    (video testimonial)

Spiritual Development Courses

Rev Charita Hardy

What has stayed with me since 2017 is the spiritual development program entitled "Streaming Into Pentecost: 50 Days Of Celebration". A Bible verse was provided each day, and I had to write a reflection each day as the Spirit spoke to me.

I learned I have to intentionally seek God and spend time in His presence. I have to daily be in a position of receivership to hear His still small voice as I yield my will to His. One of the guided meditations that I still utilize is an instrumental song entitled "While We Wait" because it always takes me straight to the throne in His presence. The music calms and guides me as I write a sermon or just to bow down in reverence as I worship Him.

Thank you, Dr. GreeneBarr, for this valuable gift!!

Peace and blessings be unto you.

Rev. Charita Hardy

Pastor Kelvin Anthony

As I reflect on the ministry of Dr. GreeneBarr, I can recall when she was in the developmental stage of the Creative Worship Center, and we connected.

Through the connection, I have discovered that she is determined, dedicated, and devoted to the Spirit of God. God uses her and CWC to enhance the Kingdom and build up the body of Christ.

Keep up the great work. 

Pastor Kelvin Anthony

Solid Rock Baptist Church, Birmingham, AL

I first connected with Dr. GreeneBarr in 2017 at a Christian conference where we were both attendees. One morning during breakfast, she and a good friend of hers invited me to eat breakfast with them - and from there the Word of the Lord  proceeded.

It was then she confirmed very significant things regarding my life and what God  was doing at that time. I am confident of this very Word - “that man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth from the Mouth of God.

Dr. GreeneBarr has been a vessel used by God in my life since I’ve met her - her accurate prophetic instructions, anointed prayer, and cheerful encouragement  has been both a blessing and a compass for me and my ministry journey.

Whether it’s a prophetic word, a quick check-in, or a dream interpretation - I know that I can count on Dr. GreeneBarr to be of support and strength!

Rodd Williams

Rodd Williams

I recall the time I went to New York with Pastor GreeneBarr. Mind you, when I first got the phone call inviting me on this journey, my initial reaction was no way. Besides, as I explained to her, I already had plans. Pastor GreeneBarr simply said that I had been put on her heart and was supposed to go. Well, as God would have it, my plans got canceled. Before I knew it there, I was in New York at the 9-11 Memorial site, along with my wife and daughter, in one of the most significant God moments of my life. 

We had gone there with Pastor GreeneBarr, along with members from her church, to call America back to God. At the 9-11 site, we formed a prayer circle of about 20 of us and started praising God and singing hymns. Before you knew it, the circle grew to 30, then 40 strong as more people joined in. Not only that, but people were also joining in from afar, and you could see people across the plaza raising hands and worshiping God.

Well, all this activity made the security guards nervous, and I remember them approaching Pastor’s husband telling him that we had to stop this. Thinking on his feet and directed by the Holy Spirit, he told security to just let us finish, and that would be much less disruptive than trying to break us up and finish we did. While the security guards were on the phone with their superiors trying to determine how to shut us down, the crowd grew; before long, the entire plaza was erupting in praise.

That was just one of many memories from that trip. God moments were happening everywhere, from a little child handing a big policeman a flyer about America coming back to God, to Pastor GreeneBarr holding up signs outside Good Morning America and getting on National Television. Getting on Good Morning America was one of Pastor GreeneBarr’s initial goals, and when her invitation was turned down, she stood outside the studio until the cameras found her. The thing that struck me most about that trip was how at the end of the day, Pastor GreeneBarr would confide in us and tell us about how her body was physically sore and how it felt like she went 10 rounds with Muhammad Ali.

All of this is to say my friend, Pastor GreeneBarr, is a true woman of God who refuses to let anything stand in the way of what God wants to do through her and with her. I thank God that she has become a part of my life, and I will never forget the trip to New York that I never did want to take, but I am so glad I did.

Pastor Tom Bader

Pastor Tom Bader